NDIS: Stories that Truly Matter!
  • Be Your Personal Best

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25 Aug, 2023

NDIS: Stories that Truly Matter!

The heart of our mission lies in the experiences and invaluable insights provided by NDIS participants. Their candid feedback has ignited a positive change, uncovered challenges, and woven a tapestry of empowerment for individuals and communities alike.

Shashi Priya Madamshetty, one of our prestige customer speaks to our Support team about her experience with our Support worker!


Q1. What are the activities you do with our workers? What part do you enjoy the most?

Answer: My Support Worker Gunjan, comes to my home every Saturday to help me with cooking. She prepares rotis and any other food item that I tell her to prepare. I help Gunjan in making dough balls while she prepares potato parathas. And I always see whether she needs any assistance from me and if she does need any help from me, she always asks me. I enjoy helping my Support Worker Gunjan, while she does the cooking.

Gunjan is doing a good job and is a quick learner too. The second week after she started, I showed her how to roll rotis thin and properly fry them and ever since, she started rolling thin rotis and fried them well.

Thank you so much Gunjan for coming to my house every Saturday and helping me with cooking. I am enjoying the food that you cook every week.

Q2. How has getting support helped you?

Answer: Yes, getting help has helped me. As for Indian food, cooking takes a lot of time, especially with the rotis. The process is preparing the dough, rolling the dough balls, and frying rotis. With the help of my current Support Worker Gunjan, I am getting help and support, plus I enjoy the food she prepares every week.

Q3. Any advice to people who are facing similar situations in their lives?

Answer: My advice to people who are facing a similar situation in their life are mentioned below:

  • Never lose hope or give up, and one fine day, I think and believe that we will get back to our everyday lives for all those who have disabilities. And Hard Work Always Pays off.
  • Please trust in God and trust yourself and someday we shall achieve what we want to achieve in our lives.

Q4. What feedback do you want to give for 9d care?

Answer: I would like to thank everyone with whom I worked with Regional Coordinators and Support Workers.

  • Regional Coordinators: Gagan*, Cherryl*, and Priyanka.
  • Support Workers: Cindy*, Rajvi*, Geeta*, Bisanpreet* and Gunjan.

I am glad that I was looked after very well by my previous Regional Coordinators and Support Workers.

I am also being looked after very well by my current Regional Coordinator Priyanka and my Support Worker Gunjan.

I am thankful to the Australian Government as I have NDIS funding and grateful to 9D Care. I started my services with 9D Care in February 2020.

9D Care ensures and supports people with disability, including their families, by providing access to quality disability supports in the community and helping them live independently. Our support workers work relentlessly ensuring your safety at all times. We aim not just to help and support you but also to bring a smile on your face at the end of each service provided. We’re your partners in this journey, so don’t hesitate to connect with your nearby 9D Care service today!


In the interest of protecting the privacy and confidentiality of our valued team members, the names used in this post have been changed. The changed names will appear with an * symbol. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is purely coincidental. We hold our team’s privacy in high regard and are committed to maintaining their anonymity while sharing our exciting updates with you. Thank you for your understanding and continued support.

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