9D Care adheres to the Pricing Guide for supports that are set by the NDIA for the majority of Supports so you can have peace of mind knowing you will not have any out of pocket expenses for supports that are funded by the NDIS.
The National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013 (NDIS Act) states that a funded support must represent “value for money” in that the costs of the support are reasonable, relative to both the benefits achieved and the cost of alternative support.
The NDIA take a market approach to pricing supports where changes to prices are updated to respond to market trends and changes in costs and are generally identified through an Annual Price Review conducted by the NDIA. The Annual Price Review is undertaken by the NDIA in the lead up to new financial year, with any new prices outlined in an updated price guide, effective 1 July each year.
When a price is not set by the NDIA, or you would like a Supported Independent Living (SIL) quote, you can contact us to receive a quote tailored to you that will be reasonable and value for money.
9D Care are applying the Temporary Transformation Payment (TTP) that was introduced on the 1st of July 2019 by the NDIA to assist Registered NDIS Providers to transition participants to the NDIS. The TTP does not affect amount of support you will be provided within your plan as the NDIA adjust your funding when this payment applies.
9D Care apply Non-face-to-face activities pricing, Provider Travel pricing (for travel to and from client appointments), NDIA report writing, and Cancellation Rules as per the NDIS Price Guide and Support Catalogue. You can access the NDIS Pricing Guide and Support Catalogues from the links below.
The NDIA allow Registered NDIS Providers to charge Establishment Fees for setup the provision of supports and services for participants of the provider to help cover the costs of setting up these services. 9D Care apply Establishment Fees for new to 9D Care participants in compliance to the NDIS Pricing Guide, when the participant is provided more than 20 hours personal care/community support per month.
When 9D Care is required to take a participant somewhere in a 9D Care or 9D Care employee vehicle 9D Care apply a charge of $1.20 per kilometre for the use of the vehicles. This charge can be applied to a participant’s travel funding within their NDIS plan. When such funding is not available a participant will be invoiced directly for the charge.